Proven Science & Great Outcomes

With 30+ published studies and 400M+ data points, we’ve helped 150,000+ patients move beyond pain.
Research request

Research partners

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Superior outcomes at 75% less cost

A randomized controlled trial (RCT) showed that Joint Academy’s treatment achieved a 7x greater pain reduction, while a health economic study found it to be 75% more cost-effective than traditional in-person physical therapy.

High-quality care backed by evidence

Reduced pain, increased mobility and less need for medication and surgery.

Life-changing stories

We’ve empowered 150,000+ patients to achieve lasting results.

Watch Patricia’s story

Watch Jan’s story

Watch Katie’s story

Published studies

Our expertise spans 20 years of experience and over 30 peer-reviewed studies.

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Research request

We partner with organizations to break new ground for research and development.